Monthly Update Vol Seven

Howdy! I’m back from my semi hiatus (I am very poor at giving myself some time off.) I’ve dropped two games over the past two months just super small and simple concepts but fun all the same! 

The first game was: Airwind Express

Super simple delivery game where you fly around a randomly generated map to complete ten deliveries or deny ten deliveries. Whatever floats your boat.

The world gen can be a lil funky but that’s just part of it’s charm 😉

This was made in 3:15 hours for:

Links for the project:

The second game was: Tofu Driver

Simple procedural game about delivering packages and avoiding ghosts. 

This was made for:

Links for the project:

I think I was going for a theme of procedural generation and I’m not sure if I will keep exploring that aspect. I do have some vague plans for more stuff in that vein but we’ll see where it goes!