Monthly Update Vol Six

Howdy gamers! A lil recap of the months events. I’ve been updating Odin’s Tea Party over the past month with three different updates. I feel like the game is in a good spot now with a few more touch ups I’ll consider it completely finished! Which is a weird thing to say out loud. (Or type?)

As for future plans… I am going to be taking a month long break from making any new projects or any updates to older ones. I do have some plans to do a thief styled game project some of the source code is finished and a prototype level has been completed but we’ll see how it progresses in September! 

So until then have a good summer and I’ll see ya’ll in Autumn! 

Rooting Tooting Wrestling presents Shadow Boxing!

Howdy! I’m happy to show off my remaster of RTW: Shadow Boxing! This took a lil longer than expected to come out but it really shows in the end product. The map has been completely overhauled, combat overhauled, enemy AI overhauled and many more things that have been… OVERHAULED!

The aim of this game is to defeat three bosses with a focus on melee combat! remember to dip, dive and dodge. Oh and try not to disturb the gardener.

Links to the game:


Game Jolt: